Wildlife Damage Control Permits
10-30-24: All links and forms are available at the bottom of this page under “Damage Control Forms”. All renewals have been sent via mail or email. Permits and other communications will be issued per your request on the renewal form. If you did not receive your renewal by December 1st, please use the Blank Renewal Form at the bottom of this page.
2025 Renewals: Cover Letter
NEW: Wildlife Damage Control Information Guide
In Maryland, anyone conducting work for wildlife damage control must obtain a Wildlife Damage Control Permit. We offer three permit types: Commercial, Assistant, and Public Agency.
Take our quiz to find the right permit for you.
Landowners: For landowners wishing to perform wildlife damage control work on their own property, please refer to the Landowner Wildlife Damage Control Permit section.
Please read through our Wildlife Damage Control Information Guide for additional information not listed on our website. If your question still has not been answered, please email us.
Forms and Additional Information
At the bottom of this page, “Damage Control Forms and Links” will contain the most current version of the wildlife damage control forms and links. We encourage online submissions to expedite processing; however, paper copies can be mailed to you upon request.
Email Notification: Permit holders who have an email address on file will receive Wildlife Damage Control information faster. Your email address remains confidential and will only be used for permits related business. If you are an existing permit holder and are not signed up for email notifications, please send your name, permit number and email address to our email.
Address or Information Change: A permittee shall immediately inform the Service at the address in Regulation .06 of this chapter of a change in business ownership, name, address, or phone number. Please email us to notify us of changes in information.
*NOTE: Turn around time for complete new and renewal applications is 10 business days. Applications that are incomplete, or missing required information will be deemed incomplete and returned, or the applicant will receive a notification letter or email requesting any missing information by a specified deadline. Incomplete applications will delay processing times.
New Application
- Review Exam Materials: Examination material and information can be found in the Damage Control Information Guide.
- Submit Your Application: Send your application and any application fees to the address or email under “Contact Us.” Online payment is available.
- Complete the Exam: This open-book exam is completed online at your own pace via Google Forms. The exam requires an 80% passing score. If you do not pass, you may retake it after 45 days, up to three times per year.
- Complete the Availability Form: If you wish to be listed on our website for wildlife damage control calls, complete the availability form. Please do not complete this form unless you intend to take calls from the public.
- Complete the Bat Affidavit: If you selected “mammals (including bats)” on your application, a bat informational reading and affidavit is required. If the affidavit is not received before or with your application, your permit will be issued without bats.
Renewal Application
*NOTE: Failure to file the annual reports will prevent renewal of the permit.
- Renewals Sent In Mail: Renewals are sent 2 months prior to the renewal date via mail. You do not need to retest to renew your permit. If you did not receive your renewal by December 1st, please fill out and submit the Blank Renewal Form.
- Renewal Application: Complete the renewal application and application fee to the contact information listed. You may also pay online.
Annual Reporting
- Annual Report: Submit your Annual Report for the previous October to September period with your renewal, or by December 31st.
- Annual Bat Colony Exclusion Report: If you are authorized to complete work with bats, submit your Annual Bat Colony Exclusion Report for the permit year by December 31st.
- a. All exclusions for the permit year are reported via the Bat Colony Exclusion Reporting Form under “Damage Control Forms” and submitted with your application.
Working With Bats
Exclusion - Letter of Exemption Application
ATTENTION: All companies that do nuisance bat work in the state of Maryland must have a Wildlife Damage Control Operator's permit from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, including pesticide applicators that are licensed by the Maryland Department of Agriculture and national pesticide companies with offices in Maryland.
For bat exclusion work during the active colony season (March 1st – August 31st), both the homeowner and the operator must submit an online application for a Letter of Exemption.
This will not automatically generate a letter. Each submission is reviewed by Wildlife and Heritage Service to ensure completeness and that a licensed permit holder is completing the exclusion work.
Homeowners must complete the Homeowner Letter of Exemption Application. Homeowners, please visit our Bats In Houses for more information regarding bat exclusions.
Homeowner Letter of Exemption Application
Operators must complete the Operator Letter of Exemption Form. Both must be received before the letter will be issued. This is to confirm that you, the operator, have entered a contract with the customer to complete the bat exclusion work, and allow us to contact you if there are any issues with your permit.
Operator Letter of Exemption Form
Landowner Wildlife Damage Control Permit
If the damage you seek to control is on your own property, you may apply for a free Landowner Permit. Contact the USDA Wildlife Service at 1-877-463-6497 (for phone numbers outside of Maryland, please call: 410-349-8055), or by mail:
USDA Wildlife Services
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1568 Whitehall Road
Annapolis MD 21409
They are a contracted service that will provide the permit over the phone. This permit is not issued through Wildlife and Heritage Service’s Permits Administrator.
You may also visit our
Wildlife Problems website, which includes
a link for wildlife help to find out about safe and legal ways to deal with problem animals, and has the list of
commercial Wildlife Damage Control Operators for each county that will assist you with damage control for a fee.
Damage Control Forms and Links
General Information
Application Forms
Bat Exclusion Forms
Reporting Forms
Contact Us
1-877-620-8DNR [8367], Extension 8540
TTY: Maryland Relay via 1-800-735-2258 or 711
Wildlife Permit Coordinator
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife and Heritage Service
580 Taylor Ave., E-1
Annapolis MD 21401
Note: The Tawes State Office Building is open by appointment only. To schedule, email us or call 410-260-8540.