Wildlife Damage Control


Species in Regulation​

​Wildlife Damage Control Test​

Bats: Required Reading and Affidavit

Availability Form (Please do not complete this availability form unless you intend to take calls from the public.)

​Application Form​

​​Online Application/​Renewal Payment​​

Persons desiring to provide damage control work involving wildlife species in the State must be permitted to do so. There are two permit levels available to those that provide this service outside of their own property, Commercial and Assistant, and all individuals must obtain a permit prior to performing wildlife damage control work.  To take a simple quiz to determine which permit level is appropriate you can click here​. To view the regulations in their entirety simply click here. For landowners wishing to perform wildlife damage control work on their own property please see the contact information below for USDA Wildlife Services to obtain a Landowner Permit. For employees of a public entity that plan to perform wildlife damage control work on that public property please reach out to the contact below for guidance on how to obtain a permit.

The administrative procedures and protocols strengthen our partnership with people who respond to human/wildlife complaints. Interactions between wildlife and people become more common as the landscape becomes more urban. To successfully resolve these conflicts our wildlife damage control procedures must involve techniques that are responsive and educational to provide the client with a remedy that minimizes the chance of a subsequent problem.

The Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit is technically a state-wide permit, but permit holders do have the ability to limit their scope of work to specific counties. The range of work covered by this permit may require additional permitting, licensing, and/or certifications (i.e. Pesticide Applicator’s License from MDA, Ladder Certification from MHIC, etc.) and that is the responsibility of the permittee to ensure compliancy.

Additionally, permit holders have the ability to limit their scope of work to specific groups of native wildlife. Click here for the list of species covered in the regulation. Options for the permit include the following: Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians, Mammals (excluding Bats), and Mammals (including Bats). If a permit applicant chooses to include bats in their scope of work, they will be required to review bat-specific information that the Department will provide and to sign an affidavit relating to that material.


Application Process:


The first step in obtaining a Wildlife Damage Control Permit is to take and pass a written examination comprised of trapping procedures, health and human safety issues, components of law and regulation relating to human/animal conflict trapping, and questions relating to the reproductive cycles, feeding patterns and den sites of the more common wildlife species in Maryland. A passing score of 80% or greater is required by regulation.

The required test is an open book exam and is available online.

Click here to take the test now.

​The online version of the test is preferred. If you are unable to complete the online version, you may use the printable test and answer sheet below.

Click here for a printable test​​

​Click here for a printable answer sheet.

The completed answer sheet may be emailed or mailed to the contact below.

Do not mail the application and the fee until you have heard that you passed the test by e-mail or by telephone.

Once you receive a passing score, you may send your application and application fee.

​ ​Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit/License Application​ **​Pay Electronically Online

​An Availability Form is required for any ​Commercial or Assistant permit holder to be listed on our website (see link below). Please do not complete this availability form unless you intend to take calls from the public.

List of Wildlife Damage Control Operators by County​

NOTE: Permit may take up to three weeks to be issued from the date the test results are received.

Reading Material:

​Suggested reading material:

Required material to cover work pertaining to Bats:

Contact Us


Landowners, contact USDA Wildlife Services at the following location:
USDA Wildlife Services
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1568 Whitehall Road
Annapolis MD 21409
Tel. 1-877-463-6497

Request by E-mail:

Request by Phone:

Toll-free in ​Maryland:
1-877-620-8DNR [8367], Extension 8540
TTY: Maryland Relay via 1-800-735-2258 or 711

Request by Mail:
Wildlife Permit Coordinator
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife and Heritage Service
580 Taylor Ave., E-1
Annapolis MD 21401

The Tawes State Office Building is open to customers by appointment only; walk-in customers will not be accepted without a confirmed appointment.

To schedule wildlife permit appointments please email wildlifepermits.dnr@maryland.gov or call 410-260-8540.