
"​Becoming an Outdoors-Woman" (BOW) offers outdoor skills workshops for women 18 years of age and older. The workshops enable women to learn about a wide variety of outdoor recreational opportunities in a casual, non-threatening environment. The classes are designed to be as hands-on as possible, giving participants enough knowledge to further pursue their interests once the workshop is over.

Weekend Workshop

Learning to prepare recipes with waterfowl at the From Field to Table workshop 

During this workshop, we offer over 30 different classes including firearm safety, preserving the harvest, fly fishing, and more! In addition to workshop classes, we offer evening programs and activities such as a game feast, nature presentations, crafts and night hikes. Classes and evening activities offered may vary from event to event.

Beyond BOW Workshops​

In addition to the weekend workshop, we also offer Beyond BOW events. Beyond BOW workshops last from one to three days and are focused on specific activities. Beyond BOW workshops may include a one-day fishing clinic, a backpacking experience, goose hunting on the eastern shore, From Field to Table (learning how to take wild game from harvest to the dinner table) or an outdoor survival skills weekend. Each workshop we offer is tailored to showcase the resources and opportunities available in that area, as well as offer a more intermediate hands-on experience.

The emphasis of BOW and Beyond BOW is on the enjoyment and camaraderie that goes along with outdoor recreation, whether hunting, fishing, hiking, or boating.

Two women in the snow holding guns with a row of dead geese lying in front of them.     Woman kayaking.


Celebrating 30 Years of Maryland Becoming an Outdoors-Woman

For our 30th Anniversary, we are designing a special t-shirt for the annual workshop. It will feature a word cloud made up of your responses to the question below. If you have attended any of our Weekend Workshops or a Beyond BOW event in the last 30 years, we would love to hear from you. Once the shirt is designed, we will share information on how to purchase one.

What is one word that best describes how you feel about Becoming an Outdoors-Woman?

Scan the QR code below to submit your answer (you may submit more than one!)


