If you know the location of a rare animal or rare plant in Maryland, we would like to know about it. Our assessment of the health of Maryland's populations of vanishing species and natural communities depends on knowing how many places they still exist and how well they are doing at those locations. Please take a moment to
fill out the Rare Species Reporting Form and submit it via regular mail or email.
Please be sure to mark the precise location on a paper or digital map with your submission to
sarah.witcher1@maryland.gov or the address below.
Your information will be provided to the appropriate biologist or ecologist within the Wildlife and Heritage Service and you may be contacted by them for additional details. Also, your data may be made available to other agency staff for conservation planning and other purposes.
Reporting Other Rare Species Information
We would appreciate receiving any other type of information regarding rare and endangered species or vanishing natural areas in Maryland, especially:
- Data documenting that a species should be assigned a different state rank or status.
- Nominations of species that either should be added to or deleted from the list, with supporting data.
- Documentation of threats to any rare species populations, including threats to the species' habitat.
- Information on the biology or ecology of rare species and references to the species in the literature.
- Any additional information that would support the protection, conservation, or management of rare species, habitats, or natural communities in Maryland.
Rare Species Reporting Form
For More Information, please contact:
Sarah Witcher, MD DNR - Wildlife and Heritage Service
Tawes State Office Building, E-1
580 Taylor Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401