Field Guide to Maryland's Snakes (Order Squamata)
Smooth Earthsnake (Virginia valeriae) |  Photo of Adult Smooth Earthsnake courtesy of Jay Kilian | Size: 7 - 10 inches. Record - 15⅜ inches. | Appearance:- A plain small reddish brown or gray snake with no markings.
- The back may have a faint light stripe down the centerline.
- The belly is white or yellowish and unmarked.
- Scales are essentially non-keeled, except for those on the tail which are very weakly keeled.
 Photo of Adult Smooth Earthsnake courtesy of Scott Smith | Habitats:Old fields adjacent to deciduous woodlands, trails and dirt roadways through woodlands, any forest type, pastures, urban and suburban woodlots. | How to Find:A very secretive species. Seldom observed above ground except after cool, heavy rains. Look under coarse woody debris, straw/hay bales and trash on field-woodland edges. Particularly under thin logs and boards that have been warmed by the sun. Non-venomous. Docile when handled.
 Photo of Habitat for Smooth Earthsnake courtesy of Tony Procheska | Distribution in Maryland:Found primarily on the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont regions.
