Field Guide to Maryland's Snakes (Order Squamata)
Red-bellied Snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) |  Photo of Adult Red-bellied Snake courtesy of Mark Tegges | Former Name:
Northern Red-bellied Snake | Size: 8 - 10 inches. Record - 16 inches. | Appearance:- Two diagnostic features
- a red unmarked belly (rarely yellow or dark grey) and
- three cream to orange spots on the neck.
- There is usually some black pigment on the sides and back of the head.
- The back is a usually light brown but may be dark gray or black, and there is often a hint of two or four thin black stripes the length of the body.
- Keeled scales.
Photo of Adult Red-bellied Snake courtesy of John White
| Habitats:Any open forests, old fields, the edges of freshwater wetlands and sphagnum bogs. Found in dry to wet habitats. | How to Find:A secretive nocturnal species. Look under coarse woody debris and trash on field-woodland and wetland edges. This is a non-venomous species that is gentle when handled.
Photo of Habitat for Red-bellied Snake courtesy of Jay Kilian
| Distribution in Maryland:Irregular distribution throughout the state; uncommon on the Coastal Plain.
