Field Guide to Maryland's Snakes (Order Squamata)
Common Wormsnake (Carphophis amoenus) |  Common Wormsnake - courtesy of Kerry Wixted | Former Name:
Eastern Wormsnake | Size: 7½ - 11 inches. Record - 13¼ inches. | Appearance:- Looks like an earthworm.
- Plain brown back and an unmarked pink belly.
- The head is slightly flattened and somewhat pointed, and the tip of the tail ends in a sharp spine.
- Scales are not keeled.
 Common Wormsnake Adult Photos courtesy of Corey Wickliffe
| Habitats:Any forested habitat with soil loose enough for burrowing. Also found in open fields and lawns. | How to Find:Look under coarse woody debris and within rotting logs, particularly in areas with moist, not wet, soil. Non-venomous. When handled they attempt to push their way between the fingers with their head or tail spine, but they do not bite.
 Common Wormsnake Habitat Photo courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers
| Distribution in Maryland:Found statewide except for the Allegheny Plateau of western Maryland.