Maryland's Salamanders and Newts  (Order Caudata)

Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum)

Photo of adult Spotted Salamander courtesy of John White
Adult Photo of Spotted Salamander courtesy of John White

6 - 7¾ in; Record - 9¾ in.

  • Back is black or grayish brown with two rows of distinct yellow or orange spots.
  • Some individuals have no spots.
  • Underside is pale gray with no spots.


Habitat photo courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers
Habitat Photo for Spotted Salamander
courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers

  • In spring, spotted salamanders breed in vernal pools.
  • Terrestrial life stages can be found near pools under rocks, logs, or underground burrows.

Distribution in Maryland:
Maryland Distribution Map for Spotted Salamander 

Found throughout much of Maryland except on the lower Eastern Shore.