Maryland's Salamanders and Newts (Order Caudata)
Northern Slimy Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) |
 Photo of Slimy Salamander by Brian Gratwicke CC by 2.0
| Size:
4 ¾ - 6 ¾ in; Record – 8 ⅛ in.
| Appearance:- Black to bluish black sprinkled with silvery or brassy flecks.
- White, gray or yellow spots along the sides of the body may fuse to form a broad band.
- The belly, a grayish black, is slightly lighter than the back.
- Very sticky. This salamander has tail glands that secrete a sticky substance when handled roughly. This secretion does not wash off easily.
- Usually 16 costal grooves.
| Habitat: Habitat Photo for Northern Slimy Salamander courtesy of Scott Smith
- Prefers hardwood forests, although it may be found in all moist forest types.
- Moist wooded ravines and shaded hillsides are favorite locations, along with cave entrances and wooded floodplains.
| Distribution in Maryland: |