Maryland's Salamanders and Newts (Order Caudata)
Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) |
 Adult Photo and Foot Detail Photo of Four-toed Salamander courtesy of John White
| Size:
2 - 3½ in; Record - 4 in. | Appearance: Three distinct characteristics make identification easy:
- an enamel-white belly with small black spots (the only salamander with this),
- four toes on both front and hind feet (most salamanders have five toes on back feet), and
- a marked constriction at the base of the tail. A rusty brown back and gray sides.
| Habitat:
Habitat Photo for Four-toed Salamander courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers
- Forests surrounding swamps, bogs, vernal pools, sluggish streams and other fish-free wetland habitats.
- Typically found in association with sphagnum or other mosses, where females lay eggs in late winter and early spring along wetland margins.
| Distribution in Maryland: |