Field Guide to Maryland's Frogs and Toads (Order Anura)
Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) |  | Former Name: | Size:
- 2-3 inches
- Record - 3¾ inches
| Appearance:- Three or more warts in each of the large dark spots on a brown, grey or greenish back.
- A light line often bisects the back from between the eyes to the lower back.
- It has a comparatively unspotted chest and belly.
- No enlarged warts on the arms.
- A parotoid gland that touches the ridge behind the eye.
- This is the most common toad on the Coastal Plain. May hybridize with American Toad.
| Habitats:- Primarily in areas with sandy soils, but can be found in most habitats, from fields to forests.
- Breeds in shallow wet depressions, roadside ditches, and shallow margins of permanent bodies of water.
- Onset of breeding is later than American Toads, from late April through July.
 Photo of Habitat for Fowler's Toad courtesy of Andy Becker
| How to Find: | Distribution in Maryland:Fowler’s toads can be found throughout Maryland. | For More Information: |