One-Way Bat Doors


Illustration showing places where bats can get into your home 

Once bat entrances are identified, wait until September 1 to install one-way bat doors so that the bats can exit but not get back in. This successful design for a one-way door was developed and field-tested by Dr. Stephen C. Frantz, the senior research scientist for the New York State Department of Health.

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to house 

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to flat facia 

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to metal roof 

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to apex of roof 

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to corner of roof 

Illustration showing how to attach one-way bat door to soffit 

One-way Bat Door Design 
by Dr. Stephen C. Frantz, 
senior research scientist, 
New York State Department of Health.

Illustrations by Wade Henry

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