HabiChat - Winter 2024

Welcome back to HabiChat!​

Hello, Habichatters!

In this issue, we hope you enjoy a native animal profile by Edwin Guevara about spotted skunks, plus a Natural Heritage Program highlight celebrating the kickoff of this year’s Master Naturalist program. Dreaming of spring and turning your property into a native plant paradise? We’ve created a step-by-step list for beginners on how to get started called Planting Native 101. As an added bonus, we’ve featured our beloved sweet pepperbush in a native plant profile by Paula Becker. Enjoy these last weeks of winter and we’ll see you in the spring!

​​P.S. Check out our new snazzy Wild Acres logo!

Sarah Witcher

Wild Acres. 

Photo by Sharon Sexton (DNR Photo Contest submission, 2019​).
Photo by Sharon Sexton (DNR Photo Contest submission, 2019​).

In This Issue