Taxidermy Permit/License

​​ USFWS Migratory Bird Taxidermy Permit
Taxidermy Permit Application European Mount Permit Application
Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping 2023-2024 Maryland Hunting Seasons Calendar 2023-2024


The state of Maryland has two levels of permits for taxidermy work. A full Taxidermist and Fur-Tanner License allows for all aspects of taxidermy work while the abbreviated European Mount License is for individuals that only create skull mounts.

These permits/licenses are required for each person within the State of Maryland to do taxidermy work for a person other than themselves. Anyone applying for a taxidermy license (after July 1988) will be required to pass a written examination and submit recent work samples for evaluation by the Department of Natural Resources.

NOTE: To perform taxidermy services on migratory birds, a federal taxidermy permit must be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). More information on obtaining the 3-200-8: Migratory Bird Taxidermy permit can be found on their website here. More information about migratory birds can be found in our Taxidermy Information Guide.

All other questions regarding the Migratory Bird Taxidermy Permit, contact US Fish & Wildlife, Migratory Bird Region 5 office at 300 Westgate Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035 or (413)-253-8200.


To apply for either the Taxidermist and Fur Tanners License or the European Mount License one must successfully pass and in-person exam. Please fill out this appointment form or click the link under Quick Links to request an appointment time to complete your test. Wildlife and Heritage Service will reach out via phone or email to confirm your appointment. You will be expected to present a sample of your work on the date of your test. The application and an application fee of $50.00 are due on your test date.

Sample mount review criteria and test material can be found in the Taxidermy Information Guide linked under Quick Links.

If you do not pass the first test, you may take the test two more times during the period July 1 to June 30. If you take the test three times without passing, your application will no longer be valid, and you must wait 12 months from the date of the last test date to reapply.


Permit renewals are sent out about a month before renewals are due. Please mail your renewal by June 15th to ensure you receive your permit in a timely manner. If you did not receive a paper renewal form in the mail, please fill out the blank renewal form linked below and send it to the address listed with your renewal fee of $50.


To request a new record book, please send an email to with your name, mailing address, and permit number requesting a new taxidermy record book.


Sale of Taxidermy
If you have questions about sale or donation of taxidermy, please reference the Taxidermy Information Guide linked above. To inquire about written approval for taxidermy sale or donation, please contact Georgia Johnson (

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
Chronic Wasting Disease is a fatal neurological disease affecting members of the deer family, including white-tailed deer. If you are a taxidermist in a Chronic Wasting Disease Management Area (CWDMA), you are required to complete the CWD authorization. The CWD Authorization can be found below.

CWD Authorization Form

Authorized taxidermists are listed for the public to access off the CWD webpage linked below. More information regarding CWD can be found on MDNR’s website: Chronic Wasting Dis​ease (CWD) in Maryland.

Interested in learning taxidermy? Visit our Taxidermy Information Guide for more information.

Related Permits
Fur Dealer Permits/Licenses

Contact Us

Request by E-mail:

Request by Mail:
Wildlife Permit Coordinator
MD DNR- Wildlife and Heritage Service
580 Taylor Ave., E-1
Annapolis MD 21401

Request by Phone:
Toll-free in Maryland:
1-877-620-8DNR [8367], Extension 8540
TTY: Maryland Relay via 1-800-735-2258 or 711

The Tawes State Office Building is open to customers by appointment only; walk-in customers will not be accepted without a confirmed appointment.

To schedule wildlife permit appointments please email or call 410-260-8540.