Patapsco Valley State Park - Hollofield - Natural Play Space
Located in the scenic Hollofield region of Patapsco Valley State Park, this natural play space provides campers and visitors to the park an open invitation to experience the joys of unstructured, imaginative play in an outdoor environment. Utilizing only materials found in nature, the large, open grounds serve as a literal launching pad for fun, as well as a foyer to the park’s extensive trail circuits.
The play space includes features such as a tree stump jump, climbing boulders, a natural staircase, and a willow tunnel that allow kids to be creative and get in touch with a world they might not have even known about! Parents will be happy to know that the features were designed with their children’s safety in mind and that there is ample seating on our log benches – if they can keep themselves from joining in!
 Climbing Boulders
 Natural Staircase
 Bark Trail
 Challenging Stump Climbing
 Willow Tunnel & Stump Jump
 Nature Exploration Opportunities
Our Partners
- Maryland Conservation Job Corps (CJC)
- Freestate Tree Service