The Calverton School is located on 159 acres of gently rolling and largely wooded land on Route 2/4 in Huntingtown, about four miles north of Prince Frederick, the county seat of Calvert County. The Calverton School is a private school serving preschool to twelfth grade. While the school has conventional recreational facilities and playgrounds, it also makes use of the adjacent woods, land and natural resources for academics, recreation and play.
The nature play space is utilized during the school day for recess and play time, and includes a stump jump , sand pit, stage, fort building area and local lighthouse replica. The school grounds also include a vegetable gardening area for classes, and pathways to explore into a wooded area as well as through a constructed habitat area.
 Native Habitat Area
 Stage Area
 Sand Play Area
 Lighthouse Replica
 Stepping Stones
 Vegetable Garden
 Bog Area
Also, feature not pictured include:
Our Partners
- Chesapeake Bay Trust
- Calverton School PTA
- Teachers, Students and Staff of Calverton School