Maryland Coastal Bays

Coastal Bays Links

  • Coastal Bays Program:

    Maryland Department of Natural Resources is working with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP) to protect and restore Maryland's Coastal Bays. Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Estuary Program, the MCBP is a cooperative effort between local, state, and federal governments as well as local citizens that are working together to implement management actions for the protection of the Coastal Bays. You can access the MCBP website at
  • Surf Your Watershed:

    Find out more information about the coastal bays watershed. Surf Your Watershed is an EPA web service to help you locate, use and share environmental information about your watershed.
  • Maryland Coastal Bays Total Maximum Daily Load, TMDL:

    One way of managing the input of nutrients into a body of water is the Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL. A TMDL establishes the maximum amount of a water quality stressor, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, that can be introduced into a system and continue to meet water quality standards. The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has proposed nitrogen TMDLs for most tributaries of Newport Bay as well as for BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) in one tributary. Follow the first link above to view this draft. TMDLs for nitrogen and phosphorus have been approved by USEPA for the St. Martin’s Creek watershed. Follow the second link to view the final report.
  • Worcester’s Natural Resources:

    This site on Worcester County's Homepage has information on shoreline, forest and sensitive area protection in the coastal bays watershed.
  • Worcester County Environmental Programs:

    This site on Worcester County's Homepage has information on fecal coliform counts. During the bathing beach season, the county takes weekly samples at 8 sites in Ocean City, 7 sites on Assateague Island and 5 sites at Public Landing.
  • Sediment Mapping:

    In order to obtain the sediment distribution data for the coastal bays, the Maryland Geological Survey conducted a detailed survey of the bottom sediments of the Maryland coastal bays between 1991 and 1997. Follow the link above to view maps showing the sediment types in the Coastal Bays.
  • Habitat for Wildlife:

    Gateway to Maryland’s program for enhancing wildlife habitat on private lands. Maintained by the DNR Wildlife and Heritage Service, this program provides aid and incentives to landowners wishing to make their property a part of Maryland’s Wild Acres.
  • GIS Data (DNR Merlin):

    Are you interested in viewing interactive maps of Maryland’s Coastal Bays (or any other area in Maryland)? Visit the Merlin website, maintained by Maryland’s Environmental Resources and Land Information Network, where you can access GIS maps overlaid with useful information such as land use, hydrology, and sensitive areas.
  • Delaware Inland Bays:

    Delaware’s inland waterways face similar challenges to those in Maryland. Visit the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays website for information on the efforts of this non-profit organization to foster partnership among governments, citizens, and industry and to sponsor educational activities.

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