Tree Planting Programs

​​To check out​ TREEmendous Maryland and all our urban and community forestry planting opportunities, click here.

Listed below are additional planting programs available to rural landowners.

  • Woodland Incentive Program
    Private, non-industrial woodland owners who manage their forest land may apply for financial assistance through the Maryland Forest Service’s Woodland Incentive Program. Landowners who own 5 to 1,000 acres of woodland and agree to maintain the forestry practice for 15 years are eligible to apply. Some eligible cost-share practices include preparation of stewardship plans and reforestation of open land.

  • Forest Conservation Management Program
    Under Maryland Forest Service’s Forest Conservation Management Program, any resident who owns over 5 contiguous forested acres can get a forest management plan drawn up by a forester while getting a break on property taxes for at least 15 years. House sites, crop land and other non-forest open spaces are not eligible. Open land that was recently planted with tree seedlings can be included in the program after one growing season.

  • Environmental Quality Incentive Program
    Pairing with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Maryland Forest Service staff act as technical service providers in helping implement the Environmental Quality Incentive Program. Farm and forestry producers are guided in how best to improve their agricultural and woodland practices while restoring their landscape and gaining environmental benefits like improved wildlife habitat. There are up to 200 conservation practices included in program depending on location.
    Woman holding a box of fruit in a field - Natural Resource Conservation Service

  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
    The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is led by USDA Farm Service Agency, with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Conservation Districts and the Maryland Forest Service as technical service providers. This program supports forest buffers and wetlands on working farmland to protect and restore water quality and wildlife by offering cost-share and technical assistance to farmers maximizing their agriculture land use.
    CREP logo

  • Healthy Forests Healthy Waters
    USDA Farm Service logo
  • The Healthy Forests Healthy Waters program is a partnership between Maryland Forest Service, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and the Maryland Forestry Foundation, with grant funding provided by the Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Trust Fund. Healthy Forests Healthy Waters provides participating landowners with a free tree planting project of an acre or more on open land they want to convert into a forest, with supplies, labor and at least 3 years of maintenance and technical advice. Only requirement of the landowner is to maintain this newly planted forest for a minimum of 10 years.
    Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay logo and the Maryland Forestry Foundation Logo

  • Maryland Farm Stewardship Program
    The Maryland Farm Stewardship Program is a Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) initiative that provides free plant material, implementation and three years of maintenance for streamside forest buffers and upland tree plantings. This program partners with agency programs if associated practices such as stream bank fencing and livestock watering are needed. Livestock producers interested in grazing can receive funding for the conversion of row crop fields to pasture for rotational grazing, as well as grazing mentors and technical assistance as it relates to farm economics and marketing through the CBF-led Maryland Grazers Network. This network has recently expanded to a Bay-wide effort through the Mountains to Bay Grazers Alliance, which brings additional resources to Maryland. For more information contact: Rob Schnabel 443-482-2175 or

  • Shelter & Seedling Maintenance
    The use of tree shelters (tubes) can help protect your tree planting from wildlife and other damage. Here is what you need to know about shelter & seedling maintenance. Click here for Shelter and Seedling Maintenance Guide​.

  • Riparian Buffer Care Calendar​
    Riparian forest buffers are considered the ‘last line of defense for our streams’ by trapping and transforming nutrients and sediments before they enter our waterways as harmful runoff. This calendar (available here) provides guidelines for supporting early-stage development of recently planted riparian forest buffers (established less than 10 years).
