Shooting Range Complex
Questions about the range closing can be addressed to the Elk Neck State Forest office at 410-287-5675.
All visitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure their firearms are legal to be possessed and transported in the State of Maryland.
Legality can be verified by clicking here.
At this time, yearly permits will only be available for purchase via the COMPASS System at
https://compass.dnr.maryland.gov/ or by visiting a sports retail license sales agent in the State of Maryland.
The shooting range at Elk Neck State Forest is open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm Tuesday through Sunday November 2 through March 1 and 09:00 am to 6:00 pm March 2 through November 1. Mondays closed all day except on all state and federal holidays with same opening and closing times above.
You may purchase a permit for the year at a cost of $50.00 for ages 18 to 61, $25.00 for anyone 62 or older, or you may choose to purchase a daily permit for $10.00 (under 18 years of age is Free with a paying adult). The permits may be purchased at the forest office through an honor system (cash or check). If paying with cash you must have exact amount. Please download the range regulations below for specific information on using the range. All rules and regulations are posted on information boards and daily permits.
Elk Neck State Forest Yearly Range Permits can also be purchased from any authorized Sport License Sales agent or online at the
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Sport License Sales.
There are four ranges:
- 100 yard (rifle/muzzleloader)
- 50 yard (pistol)
- skeet range (no thrower provided)
- bow & arrow range
All shotguns shot on the rifle range must utilize a slug shell. No shot shell of any type is permitted on the rifle range.
The use of rifles of any sort are prohibited on the pistol range.
All shooters must supply a target stand that is free standing in accordance with the range regulations. Target center is required to be a minimum of 54” above the ground.
Elk Neck State Forest does not rent firearms for use by the public nor provide ammunition or targets.
Permits are available at the Maintenance Complex near the Main Entrance and must be obtained prior to using the range complex.
All ranges are closed the second Saturday in September to allow for the Northern Chesapeake Sportsmans Kids Youth day activities.
Facility Alerts:
September 23, 2024 - Range Complex Update:
The Elk Neck State Forest rifle range will remain closed for the remainder of 2024. Discussion with the NRA and DNR engineers identified the need for additional work and renovation is needed, including an enlarged backstop, installation of side berms, and redesign and installation of the baffle system. The redesign is intended to improve the safety to the surrounding community and provide an improved shooting experience for users of the rifle range. DNR plans an overall redesign of the range complex at Elk Neck State Forest, but will focus on completing work at the rifle range first.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and offer the following information on shooting ranges available in the region as alternatives. As the operating hours, cost, and regulations vary by location, please call or visit the website of the range you are planning to visit prior to your visit.
The Maryland DNR operates three other shooting ranges:
- Green Ridge State Forest shooting range, located off National Pike approximately 1.3 miles north of Exit 62 from I-68. 301-478-3124
- Savage River State Forest shooting range, located off New Germany Road approximately 4.4 miles south of the state forest headquarters in Grantsville, MD. 301-895-5759
- The Myrtle Grove WMA shooting range, located off Myrtle Grove Road approximately 7 miles west of La Plata, MD. 301-743-5161
The state of Delaware operates two public ranges:
Ommelanden Hunter Education and Training Center Located at 1205 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720. 302-601-6267. This is approximately a 35 minute drive from the Elk Neck State Forest range.
Owens Station Shooting Sports and Hunter Education Center, located at 12613 Hunters Cove Rd., Greenwood, DE 19950. 302-349-4334 This range is 1 hour and 37 minute drive from the Elk Neck State Forest range.
Other Resources:
May 14, 2024 - Range Complex Update:
Since January, units from across the department have been working on plans to repair the eyebrow and berm at the rifle range and to coordinate a previously scheduled project to replace all baffles at both the rifle and pistol range. It has been decided to postpone the baffle replacement project to ensure their design will be effective with a new berm. Staff are now working to hire an engineer and subsequent range designer to ensure that the range complex provides the safest and best recreational opportunity for our visitors and one that is environmentally sound when operating. The engineer and range designer are needed to ensure that all upgrades and work completed conforms to National Rifle Association and Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for shooting range operations and best management practices.
December 19, 2023 - Range Complex Update:
Due to safety concerns, the rifle and shotgun ranges at Elk Neck State Forest in Cecil County are closed effective immediately for repairs to structural damage. Department of Natural Resources staff will be onsite this week assessing the situation.
The pistol and archery ranges will remain open during normal hours, but visitors may not enter the rifle and shotgun range areas during this closure period. DNR will provide updates on plans for repairing and reopening this part of the range