
​​Wild Maryland Cookbook​

Butchering Information


DNR Cookbook

Fried Mountain Morels

Morel Mushrooms 

Submitted by George Downin

This is the recipe my husband, George Downin of Frog Hollow (Sharpsburg), MD, makes for us IF WE ARE LUCKY in the spring.

They come in during what I call the Yellow Time - after the daffodils and forsythia are blooming and the spring peepers have been peeping for a few weeks, when the mayapples are up, and when we've had some warm days and plenty of spring rain.

Some say they find them under oak trees, some say old apple orchards - every hunter has her secret clues and spots.

Many carry their booty in a net bag in order to spread the spores as they walk through the woods. I've often wondered if that really works... By the way, the amount of rain and the timing of your hunt will result in different looking specimens - black ones or white cappies, some tiny overall, others with long stalks or huge spongy tops.



So, the recipe. It's kind of like mushroom hunting - lucky without a lot of specifics. Rinse and lightly pat dry.

  • Cut the mushrooms in half or quarters, depending on size.
  • Soak the cut mushrooms in salt water in the fridge overnight to get the bugs out.
  • Rinse and lightly pat somewhat dry.
  • Dredge in flour.
  • Fry in vegetable or canola oil until golden brown.
  • Salt liberally.
  • Eat right away.
  • Repeat with the next batch.


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  • mountain morels
  • salt water (soak the cut mushrooms in salt water in the fridge overnight to get the bugs out)
  • vegetable oil
  • flour

Serving Suggestions

Very rich! Some people around here eat the fried mushrooms on white bread and butter as a sandwich.