Maryland Archery in the Schools Program (MD NASP)

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Image Collage: left image student selecting bow, right image bow display

“Not everyone can dunk the ball, tackle or run fast.”
However, as a middle school girl said, “I can do this.”

MD NASP’s mission is to promote student education through participation in the sport of Archery with the focus being to provide International style target archery training in the 4th - 12th grades.​

​Topics are taught through classroom instruction, positive communication and hands-on activities. Students, responding to whistle commands, shoot at bulls-eye targets placed before an arrow restraint net right in the gym. By shooting indoors weather never becomes a factor. The students can easily help set up the range as a part of the class.

Students are taught how modern archery equipment works, shooting techniques, steps to archery success and how to improve their skills. The act of shooting the bow improves upper body strength, grip strength, muscle endurance and flexibility. Archery also develops hand-eye coordination, dexterity and the importance of learning how ​to focus or concentrate.

The program complies with the American Disabilities Act with most wheelchair-bound students being able to participate. Even blind students can participate with the help of a teacher / parent.

Core content covers the history of archery, safety, shooting techniques, equipment, mental concentration and self-improvement. This program curriculum is already written and exceeds national physical education standards.

The goal of this web site is to be a valuable resource for students, parents, teachers, school administrators and donors.

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Maryland NASP® State Coordinator
Ashley Moreland
240-522-5057 (cell)
301-777-2136 (office)​