Land Acquisition and Planning

How To Apply

​Proposed New Rural Legacy Areas

First time applicants proposing a new Rural Legacy Area should first read the Grants Manual and contact the appropriate Program Administrator. The Full Application will need to be completed and adhere to the GIS Submittal Guidelines​.

Established Rural Legacy Areas

Grant renewal requests and/or boundary line change requests for already established Rural Legacy Areas should use the Abbreviated Application form, along with the Property List Form and follow the GIS Submittal Guidelines​.

Where do I start?

You can download the entire Rural Legacy Program Grants Manual and application forms from the Download page. Once you are familiar with the Grants Manual and the Applications forms, contact your regional program administrator with your questions and to discuss your proposal.


Check our Calendar to see what happens when, and some important dates to plan around.

From Grant Application to Grant Agreement

After the Board of Public Works approves the Application, the Rural Legacy Board, through the Department of Natural Resources Rural Legacy Program staff, will transmit a Grant Agreement to the Sponsor for signatures.

Once the Chairman of the Rural Legacy Board and the Rural Legacy Sponsor(s) have executed the Grant Agreement, the Sponsor can then proceed with individual acquisitions as defined in project agreements.

Rural Legacy Program Staff Contacts