DNR Organizational Chart

​​DNR Organization Chart - text version below​​​​​​​​​

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Organization Chart

Secretary, ​Josh Kurtz​

Deputy Secretary​​ David Goshorn, PhD​

Natural Resources Police ​Superintendent Orlando D. Lilly

Environmental Justice Officer Vacant

Resilient Systems Officer ​Jackie Specht

Office of Outdoor Recreation ​Sandi Olek​​

Office ​of the Attorney General ​Shara ​Alpert​

Office of Communications A.J. Metcalf​

Office of Fair Practices Joanne Grant

Senior Advisor Kamil Williams

Acting Legislative Director Emily Wilson

Enterprise Services Julia Solomon​​

Human Resource Service and Employee Development Caroline Asher​​

Office of Fair Practices Joanne Grant​

Licensing and Registration Service Margie Maccubbin

Finance and Administrative Service Lauren Buckmaster

Audit and Management Review Dona Goeller​

Information Technology Deshaun Steele​

​Land Resources Paul Peditto​​

Maryland Park Service Ranger Angela Crenshaw​

Maryland Forest Service ​Dr. Anne Hairston-Strang​

Wildlife and Heritage Service Karina Stonesifer

Land Acquisition and Planning Hilary Bell​

Engineering and Construction Perry Otwell

Maryland Environmental Trust John Turgeon

Aquatic Resources Kate Charbonneau

Chesapeake and Coastal Service Natalie Snider​​

Fishing and Boating Services Lynn Waller Fegley​

Resource Assessment Service Richard Ortt​

Critical Area Commission Erik Fisher​

Effective 03/14​/2025​