Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Identification Key
The bay grass key was designed to allow you to identify most species of bay grasses found in Maryland. Although bay grasses are notoriously difficult to identify using standard taxonomic keys, the flexible format of the Internet allows us to combine detailed pictures, simple line drawings and text messages in a stepwise sequence that makes identifying bay grasses simple. You may find it useful to have a clear metric ruler with millimeters marked, a magnifying glass, and a Ziploc plastic bag to help you in the process of identifying your plant.

If you already know the identity of a particular bay grass use the drop down boxes below. |
Common Name:
Scientific Name:
| Common Name: | Eurasian Watermilfoil |
| Scientific Name: | Myriophyllum spicatum |
| Native or Non-native: | Non-native
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| Family: | Haloragaceae |
| Distribution: | Introduced from Europe and Asia, Eurasian watermilfoil is now found throughout the United States. Explosive growth of Eurasian watermilfoil during the late 1950's covered large areas of the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. Eurasian watermilfoil choked waterways until the infestation came to an end in the early 1960's, possibly due to spread of a virus-like organism in combination with pollution, grazing, and herbicide and harvesting programs. Eurasian watermilfoil is still present in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries today, inhabiting non-tidal fresh to moderately brackish tidal water. Eurasian watermilfoil is often the first species to appear in the spring in tidal tributaries with fairly degraded water quality and may be followed by other native species. Eurasian watermifoil is also one of the last species of SAV to die back in the fall, often retaining aboveground biomass through December. |
| Recognition: | Up to 2.5 m (9 ft) tall, leaves in whorls of 4 or 5, finely divided ( pinnate), 0.8 cm to 4.5 cm (1/3 in to 2 in) long with 9 to 13 hair-like segments per side. While in the water, the leaves look feather-like and when removed from water these delicate leaves compress and lose their shape. Lower portions of the stems may be devoid of leaves. When flowering, the plant will have small, yellow/red, flowers with four parts that are on spikes above the water’s surface. |
| Ecological Significance: | Eurasian watermilfoil is not considered a great food source for waterfowl but it provides excellent cover for young fish, crabs and invertebrates. Fishermen recognize watermilfoil beds as excellent places to catch largemouth bass, which are often found lying in ambush near watermilfoil plants. |
| Similar Species: | Eurasian watermilfoil usually has whorls of 4 pinnate leaves whereas parrot feather ( Myriophyllum brasiliense) usually has whorls of 5 pinnate leaves. Appearance is similar to coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), however, coontail has whorls of 9 to 10 leaves at stem nodes, has stiffer leaves (especially when taken out of the water), and lacks a root system. |
| Reproduction: | During late summer watermilfoil grows flower spikes on stem tips that protrude above the water surface. Self-pollination does not occur because the pistillate flowers on each individual reach maturity before its staminate flowers. Aerial pollination produces nut-like fruits that sink to the bottom where they can remain viable for years. Asexual reproduction occurs by fragmentation.
For permission to reproduce individual photos, please contact Mike Naylor
The text and photos used in this key were produced through a collaborative effort among the following partners.