Volunteer Opportunities

Pocomoke River State Park offers many opportunities for you to come out and make a difference. It is our goal to provide a rewarding experience that matches your interests and specialized skill set. Sign up today on the Maryland Park Service Volunteer Website.
Camp Host Volunteer
The camp host program provides dedicated and experienced campers with the opportunity to assist guests and the park. A camp host serves as a park liaison, greeting incoming campers, answering questions, providing information about the local area, performing valuable park maintenance tasks and serving as the eyes and ears of the park. Provided an extended stay campsite at no cost, camp hosts donate 20 hours of service a week. There is an application and interview process to start and training sessions for any required task. Apply today.
Digital Volunteer
Want to be the Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, John Muir or Terry Tempest-Williams of Pocomoke River State Park? If so, become a digital volunteer, and work closely, through email, with Pocomoke’s naturalists as they write, edit and develop Pocomoke’s quarterly E-Newsletter. To see an example of the paddler click here (see attached Paddler).
Volunteer Naturalist
Help the naturalists of Pocomoke educate the campers in Shad Landing’s nature center! As a volunteer naturalist you will help staff with educational programs and maintaining the nature center. If you like, you can also help develop and implement interpretive programs! Before you begin interpreting at Pocomoke you need to attend a shore training session given by park staff.
Scales & Tales Volunteer
Have experience working with animals? Help care for the raptors and reptiles of the Scales & Tales program! After the proper training given by park staff, you will be able to help with feeding the animals and maintaining their facilities. Once you have completed 20 service hours of care and maintenance you may be trained in animal handling, and if you like, help with programs involving these animals.
"Maintain Pocomoke" Volunteer
Have a knack for working with your hands and would like to see Pocomoke River State Park at its best? Then become a "Maintain Pocomoke’"Volunteer! Just like your home, there is always something that needs a spring cleaning or a little fixer up-er here at the park. If you have the time, experience and desire please help with the general maintenance of Pocomoke River State Park.
Camp Store Volunteer
Enjoy talking to people and their families? Want to be involved with their camping experience at Pocomoke? If your answers are yes, then helping in the camp store of the Shad Landing Area of Pocomoke River State Park would be the perfect volunteer opportunity for you! The staff at Pocomoke can always use an extra hand with registering campers, answering telephones, restocking store shelves and providing general information to the public. We appreciate all of the help and experience you can provide, but before you start you need to attend a short training session given by park staff.