The Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission has the duty of advising the Director of Fishing and Boating Services on all matters referred to the commission by the Director. The commission is comprised of individuals (currently 16 each) from across the state whom represent the interests of various constituencies in commercial fisheries (one member represents the Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission). Members normally meet quarterly (four times a year) at the Tawes State Office Building in Annapolis, Maryland. Term of each membership is four years.
The commission has the authority through the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 08.01.01, Title 08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Subtitle 01 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Chapter 01 Advisory Committees Authority: Natural Resources Article, 1-102, 1-105, and 4-204, Annotated Code of Maryland 4-204.
Maryland Sport and Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commissions Final Operating Guidelines has a complete breakdown of guidelines governing the commissions.
To contact the commission please email Paul Genovese.