Located in Garrett County

Use the Public Angler Access Map to get more information on this site.
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Fish Species Managed:
(Largemouth Bass, Tiger Muskellunge, Striped Bass, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed, Crappie and stocked trout) Broadford lake is known for being a great multi-species impoundment in the mountains of Western Maryland. Although best known for its panfish fisheries, Broadford is also home to a quality largemouth and smallmouth bass fishery. Each spring the lake is stocked with rainbow trout to provide anglers with a put-and-take trout fishing opportunity. Tiger muskellunge and striped bass are also stocked to help improve the size structure of the abundant panfish populations and provide additional angling opportunities.
Summary of Most Recent Survey Results
Special Fishing Regulations:
All gamefish and panfish are managed under statewide regulations.
Click here for the current Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing for fishing regulations.
Boating/Access Restrictions:
Boating is permitted on Bradford Lake but is limited to the use of electric motors. Outboard motors do not need to be removed from your vessel, but should be trimmed completely out of the water.
Paddle craft are welcome on the lake but must be launched at one of the two designated launch areas.
The entire lake is open for angling except for the area marked with buoys at the public swimming beach. All boating regulations required by the State of Maryland must be followed (Link).
Fishing from shore is permitted with excellent shoreline access within the maintained town park.
Access to Broadford Lake is permitted from 7am until dusk daily and fishing is restricted to the period March 1 through November 30 each year. Daily admission rates are charged for entering the park and can be found at the Town of Oakland website (oaklandmd.com/broadford-lake.html).
Physical/Habitat Description:
Broadford Lake is a 140 acre impoundment that provides multiple habitat types. The northern shallow end contains submerged stumps, lily pads, and flats with heavy growth of aquatic vegetation, providing ideal shallow water habitat for a variety of fish species. The main lake basin generally consists of a soft bottom with a creek channel that meanders its way towards the deeper southern end. The southern end of the reservoir is characterized by underwater points leading to deep water, hard bottom humps and several brush piles added by Freshwater Fisheries and Hatcheries Division biologists as fish habitat structures.
Broadford Lake was built in 1972 as a water supply reservoir for the town of Oakland and was opened to fishing in 1975. Broadford Lake Park also provides many recreational opportunities that include basketball, volleyball, swimming, biking and multiple trekking activities. Broadford Lake Park also has facilities to accommodate large groups for picnics and family gatherings. Information on the Broadford Lake Park can be obtained by calling (301)334-2691.
Contact Us - Comments and questions regarding fishing in Broadford Lake can be directed to:
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
1728 King's Run Road Oakland, Maryland 21550
301-334-8218 or