Southern Maryland Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Restoration Project
Southern Maryland Resource Conservation and Development (Southern Maryland RC&D) and Ecohaven are working with the Maryland Park Service at Greenwell State Park to turn former agricultural land and areas with high invasive pressure into a mosaic of diverse habitats. The reforestation, meadow creation, and bamboo removal planned for the site will support a variety of environmental goals including water quality improvements, creation of wildlife habitat, enhancing pollinator habitat, and improving soil quality. Additionally, the Maryland Forest Service will be reforesting other areas of the Park as part of the 5 Million Trees Initiative.
This project supports the Maryland Park Service’s mission to address environmental issues by reducing nutrient and sediment runoff near the waterfront and also brings attention to restoration efforts in Southern Maryland. Work will be done in stages over several years, and maintenance activities will occur during the establishment period of all new vegetation to ensure survival of plants and suppression of invasive species. Maintenance will include the application of herbicides and removal of invasive plants in restoration areas. Please beware of any posted signs and remain on established trails to reduce the chance of exposure to herbicides to yourselves or your pets. All herbicides will be applied by a registered pesticide applicator with the Maryland Department of Agriculture, adhering to standards that ensure the health and safety of visitors, pets, and local wildlife. Additionally, do not be alarmed if you see trees or large plants being removed in some areas; they will be replaced by beautiful native species!
At the end of the project (starting in 2025 and working through 2027), there will be over 37 acres of new trees, over 10 acres of improved meadow habitat, and significantly fewer invasive species on the property. For more information, please contact Maryland Park Service Natural Resources Planner Maddy Williams at