Land Acquisition and Planning

Tracking Our Progress: Acreage Reports

Annual Department of Natural Resources Acreage Report

This data is provided by the Real Property team in the Land Acquisition and Planning Unit of Department of Natural Resources. Our report is updated annually and tracks the state lands purchased by the Department of Natural Resources. Figures are based on actual settlement documents as they are recorded in each county. Eac​h county is different and it may take many weeks to several months for the departments land purchases to actually be recorded in the official county records. The Annual Department of Natural Resources Acreage Report only reflects department owned land.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Land Preservation Programs

Maryland has been a national leader in land conservation for more than 5​0 years. The purpose of State land preservation and recreation programs is to advance land conservation, the resource-based businesses that depend on the land base, and outdoor recreational opportunities throughout Maryland. According to statute, the majority of funding for State land preservation and recreation programs is provided through the collection of a 0.5% State property transfer tax. This funding mechanism was designed to directly tie development to available funding for open space and recreational facilities for the public good.

Program FY2025​ - Acres Protected Total Acres Protected Date Last Updated
CREP Permanent Easements136
Forest Legacy01,6221/18/201​​2
Maryland Environmental Trust334
Program Open Space (POS) Local64
Program Open Space (POS) Stateside - Easement31
Program Open Space (POS) Stateside - Fee1,498
Rural Legacy4,062
Total 6,125​ 694,618 12​/31​/2024

Note: ​​Reported figures are based on best-available data at the time. CREP Permanent Easements, POS Local, POS Stateside-Easement, POS Stateside-Fee and Rural Legacy acres are based on the date of Board of Public Works approval. Tracking and reporting mechanisms are continually being refined and may result in changes to reported figures.​

Maryland Land Preservation Dashboard

The Maryland land preservation dashboard is designed to let you assess the current status of Maryland's land preservation efforts and to access the tabular data that informs the dashboard as well as available land preservation GIS data. Created in coordination with DNR and Planning's Geospatial and Data Analysis Unit, the dashboard incorporates data from local, state, federal, and non-governmental preservation programs. ​Click he​re to access the protected lands dashboard user guide.