Pocomoke State Forest

PSF-EntrySign.jpgContact: 410-632-3732

Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties

6572 Snow Hill Road
Snow Hill, MD 21863

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Pocomoke State Forest (PSF) consists of over 18,000 acres of forested land with the vast majority of it located in Worcester County between Snow Hill and Pocomoke City, with small parcels located in Wicomico and Somerset Counties. Pocomoke State Forest is characterized by large areas of loblolly pine, mixed pine-hardwood, bottomland hardwood, and bald-cypress swamp forests. The Cypress swamps, which are State designated Wildlands, border the Pocomoke River, which is a State designated Scenic River.

Notice: The Pocomoke State Forest ORV Trail has been closed permanently.