Elk Neck State Forest

Facility Alerts
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​ ​​Elk Neck State Forest Entrance SignContact: 410-287-5675

Cecil County

Elk Neck State Forest​
717 Irishtown Road
North East, MD 21901

Office Hours:
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday

Mailing Address:

Black Hill Ranger Station
130 McKinneytown Road
North East, MD 21901


Elk Neck State Forest is an approximate 3,571 acre parcel of land situated in central Cecil County consisting of four separate tracts of land. Elk Neck State Forest is open to the public for hunting, hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking. Shooting ranges for bow, hand gun, shotgun and rifle are also available to the public. Permits are accessed from a self-service honor system located at the Maintenance Complex. The forest supports a diverse habitat with mixed deciduous and evergreen trees and an understory of mountain laurel, azaleas and other native shrubs. Birdwatchers, including members of the Cecil County Bird Club, enjoy seasonally observing the forest's abundance of migratory birds. For those interested in wildflowers, the Forest is home to an abundance of natural fauna.

The Forest is open from sun rise to sun down each day. During periods of inclement weather, forest roads may be closed temporarily until they are safe for public use. The Forest will remain open with public parking available at the Main Entrance off of Irishtown Road.

On bad weather days, please call the Forest Office for current road conditions and temporary closures.

Facility Alerts​:​​

February 28, 2025 - Range Complex Update:

The rifle and shotgun ranges continue to remain closed for a major safety upgrade during 2025. DNR completed a lead reclamation project on the rifle range backstop in 2024, and lead reclamation for the shotgun range is in planning stages. Phased upgrades for the rifle, shotgun, and pistol ranges are in process to maintain public availability as possible for safe operations under current standards. The National Rifle Association Range Technical Team has been consulted for the draft scope of work for range redesign and will continue to be consulted for technical guidance.

The Maryland DNR operates three other shooting ranges:

  1. Green Ridge State Forest shooting range, located off National Pike approximately 1.3 miles north of Exit 62 from I-68. 301-478-3124
  2. Savage River State Forest shooting range, located off New Germany Road approximately 4.4 miles south of the state forest headquarters in Grantsville, MD. 301-895-5759
  3. The Myrtle Grove WMA shooting range, located off Myrtle Grove Road approximately 7 miles west of La Plata, MD. 301-743-5161

The state of Delaware operates two public ranges:

  1. Ommelanden Hunter Education and Training Center Located at 1205 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720. 302-601-6267. This is approximately a 35 minute drive from the Elk Neck State Forest range.
  2. Owens Station Shooting Sports and Hunter Education Center, located at 12613 Hunters Cove Rd., Greenwood, DE 19950. 302-349-4334 This range is 1 hour and 37 minute drive from the Elk Neck State Forest range.

Other Resources:

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May 14, 2024 - Range Complex Update:
​Since January, units from across the department have been working on plans to repair the eyebrow and berm at the rifle range and to coordinate a previously scheduled project to replace all baffles at both the rifle and pistol range. It has been decided to postpone the baffle replacement project to ensure their design will be effective with a new berm. Staff are now working to hire an engineer and subsequent range designer to ensure that the range complex provides the safest and best recreational opportunity for our visitors and one that is environmentally sound when operating. The engineer and range designer are needed to ensure that all upgrades and work completed conforms to National Rifle Association and Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for shooting range operations and best management practices.

December 19, 2023 - Range Complex Update:
Due to safety concerns, the rifle and shotgun ranges at Elk Neck State Forest in Cecil County are closed effective immediately for repairs to structural damage. Department of Natural Resources staff will be onsite this week assessing the situation.
The pistol and archery ranges will remain open during normal hours, but visitors may not enter the rifle and shotgun range areas during this closure period. DNR will provide updates on plans for repairing and reopening this part of the range