Forest Management Notes

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service

Cost Share Assistance

The Farm Services Agency (USDA-FSA) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service (MDNR-FS) provide cost share assistance programs to landowners to help defray the cost of forest improvement practices. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service is responsible for providing technical assistance to the landowner, helping find vendors to do the work, and reporting completion of the practice.

Three cost share programs are available to you to help defray the costs of accomplishing recommended forestry practices:

The cost share programs are targeted at different goals depending on the landowner objectives. Eligibility depends on the size of your property and the availability of funds. In most cases, the first step is to have a forest stewardship management plan written for the property. Depending on what is recommended in the plan, you may be eligible for cost share assistance. Cost share assistance is usually in the form of a percentage of your total cost to accomplish the practice. You will get back a portion of the total cost of the practice, usually between 50% and 75%.

Funding must be allocated prior to the beginning of any work. Contact your county forester for assistance and details. The forester can provide help by furnishing technical specifications and setting up the recommended practices. Contract crews may be available to perform the recommended practice.