FACTS Charter Reporting

Program Update:

IMPORTANT UPDATE - Charter Pilot Program Permit Agreement: Starting with the 2024 open striped bass recreational season, the special harvester flexibility (condition 6 on the permit agreement) for the Charter Pilot Program has been updated. 

Fishing and Boating Services sought and received approval from ASMFC to offer a modified special harvest flexibility for the upcoming for-hire season. As a result, captains participating in the FACTS Charter Pilot Program will be able to land up to two additional striped bass (one for the captain and one for a mate, if present, per day) in addition to their clients' 1 fish per person limit.  

Read the FAQ flyer​ and review the updated Charter Pilot Permit Agreement to learn more.​

Spend more time being a waterman and less time reporting.

E-Reporting with FACTS allows charter captains in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay and tributaries to submit harvest reports directly to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources electronically on the day of harvest. The FACTS mobile web application makes it possible for captains to have 24/7 access to their harvest records, provide fisheries managers real-time harvest information, and could help to manage your business. You can report on your desktop, tablet, smartphone, or through the call center.

E-Reporting Sign Up ButtonE-Reporting Training Videos

IMPORTANT:  Temporary License Transfer Holders - Is the owner of the license using the same license number as you?​​ Only one person per license number is able to report harvest in FACTS, with the owner of the license having priority. Questions? Call Meredith Jones at 410-260-8301.​

Available Training Options: 
  • Online Training - This tutorial takes about 30 minutes and covers everything you would hear at an in-person Charter training session.  It is a self-paced combination of brief videos and information that lets you get the most out of your FACTS account. The link to the training will be emailed to you by the E-Reporting Team.
  • Mentoring - Know a FACTS user? See if they can show you the basics and we'll provide the training support with the Training Documents and program videos. ​

​​​​​​​​​​NOTE:  All program participants need a DNRid in order to have a FACTS account.  If you need a DNRid, please use the COMPASS Tutorial to sign-in and create an account in the COMPASS licensing system​ to have one assigned to you.
​​​​​​​​​​Why aren't recreational anglers using FACTS in Maryland? 
With the department's pilot program for the for-hire fleet successfully launched, we've heard some questions about why the recreational fishery is not able to use the system. Beyond the budget limitations of funding such a program, the Maryland licensing requirements make it more difficult to implement any census, including a real-time reporting system for such a large and changing population of recreational anglers.  View this Handout​ to learn more​​


​Get a head start! 
Sign up to be contacted by the E-Reporting Team 
and receive more information.

Missing harvest reports? Get a harvest report checkup and submit any missing reports prior to joining the program. You can print blank copies of all the required harvest reports online. Please contact the commercial harvest reporting group at​ FisheriesHarvestReport.dnr@maryland.gov​ or 410-260-8301 for assistance.

Have a TFL or other finfish license? If you are interested in joining the FACTS program for your Blue Crab and/or Finfish reporting, contact us today to get started. You’ll be able to report all your harvest activity online and use the program’s special flexibilities. There are several options for learning how to report electronically and we can help you find the way that works best for you.​

For more information, contact Meredith Jones,