Fishing Maryland Lakes and Ponds

The Maryland DNR Freshwater Fisheries and Hatcheries Division manages and routinely surveys over 50 impoundments statewide. The Fishing Maryland Lakes and Ponds App below displays survey data for gamefish species across the state. Click around to see fish statistics for your favorite impoundment or use it to plan your next fishing trip! For a standalone version of the app, Click Here. To contact a Regional Biologist with questions about a specific lake or pond, please refer to the Freshwater Regions section on the Freshwater Fisheries homepage. For optimization on devices, please use the Mobile Users Fishing App.​​​

​Maryland Impoundment Rankings​

Shoreline boat electrofishing surveys are used to collect information on gamefish species for publicly accessible impoundments.  Using catch rates (fish/hour) as a measure of relative abundance, we can compare values for impoundments across the state.  Average catch rate statistics from the most recent impoundment surveys (2020-2024) are presented in the tables below.  Rankings for each species are based on a size category typically preferred by most anglers.