Striped Bass Tournaments

Striped bass tournament organizers need authorization in the form of a signed letter from the Department of Natural Resources in order to hold a tournament.

If you are considering conducting a sport fishing tournament in Maryland that includes striped bass as an eligible species, you need to first obtain authorization from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Approval is required by State regulation. The purpose is to help the department monitor fishing effort and characterize tournament catches of striped bass. As a condition of all tournament authorizations, tournament organizers are required to collect and return tournament data to the department within 30 days after the tournament. Approval for future tournaments will be contingent upon tournament organizers supplying this information.

Striped bass tournament organizers should fill out this online application​ or submit their requests by email to Erik Zlokovitz at Please include the name of the tournament, date(s), location of check-ins, qualifying area, expected number of participants, your mailing address​, and charity (if applicable). ​

The deadline for submitting spring 2025​ striped bass tournament requests is 5 PM March 31, 2025. The deadline for submitting requests for fall ​t​ournaments is 5 PM July 1​, 2025. If you have a rush request, please contact, and allow 2 weeks for processing. 

​Advertising a tournament prior to receiving authorization is at your own risk.