Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant (CBIG)

Sunset - Photo by William Freece Background and Objective

 Section 117(e)(1)(A) of the Clean Water Act authorizes the EPA to award Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grants (CBIG) to Maryland and the other signatory jurisdictions of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. The intent of the funding is to assist Maryland in achieving the goals of the Agreement by supporting the implementation of the Agreement’s management strategies.  Particular focus is given to projects that address the Agreement’s Water Quality goal by reducing nonpoint source nutrient and sediment pollution; however, Maryland’s CBIG funds have also supported progress towards the Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Toxic Contaminants, Healthy Watersheds, Stewardship, Land Conservation, Environmental Literacy, and Climate Resiliency goals. 

Maryland’s Chesapeake and Coastal Service works closely with EPA Region 3 and the Chesapeake Bay Program Office on the management of these funds.  And although Maryland’s CBIG program is administered by the Chesapeake and Coastal Service, funding is used to support a variety of partners, including other state agencies, the University of Maryland system, local governments, and non-profit organizations.  CBIG funds require a 1:1 non-federal match.  This model of state and federal investments partnered with regional and local implementation programs allows funding and technical assistance to be leveraged, maximizing the impact to our local communities.

For more information about Maryland’s CBIG program, e-mail ​Cory Russellor call 410-260-8799.​