Maryland's Online Water Access Guide

The Maryland Online Water Access Guide is a web application that provides detailed information on boat ramps, soft access (specifically for non-motorized vessels), and transient docking facilities that are open to the general public. In Maryland, non-motorized vessels may launch from boat ramps but are encouraged to use separate soft access areas if one is provided at the same site.​​

The majority of public water access sites in Maryland are managed and maintained by the local jurisdictions in which they are located. Fees, permits and regulations vary by jurisdiction so it is highly recommended that you contact the managing entity to clarify requirements before you go. Phone numbers for site managers are listed in the site details.


(Please be patient. The data may load slowly)

Maryland Public Water Access Guide

Users may also explore water access sites using the Water Access Dashboard by clicking here​.

The Captain of the Port, Maryland-NCR has set Winter Port Condition One for navigation on the Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, and all existing tributaries within the Captain of the Port Zone. Winter Port Condition One means that the short-term forecast is favorable for the formation of ice on these waterways.
​​Mariners can report ice conditions to the Sector Maryland/NCR Command Center on VHF radio channel 16 or call (410) 576-2525. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this bulletin, please contact the Waterways Management staff

​The information on this site changes frequently. Input and comments are welcome and can be submitted by e-mail to or sent to:

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Public Access, Water Trails and Recreation Planning Program
303 Marine Academy Drive
Stevensville, MD 21666