Invasive and Exotic Species in Maryland


Maryland Regions Map 


Birds | Insects | Mammals | Crustaceans | Mollusks | Fishes | Microbes/Fungi/Weird things | Other Invertebrates


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Canada Goose (resident)   Branta canadensis   Non-Forested   Statewide
  Mute Swan (resident)   Cygnus olor   Bay and Ocean   Eastern


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Asian Longhorned Beetle   Anoplophora glabripennis   Forested   
  Brown Marmorated Stink Bug   Halyomorpha halys   Forested; Non-Forested   Statewide
  Emerald Ash Borer   Agrilus planipennis   Forested   Western; Central; Southern
  Gypsy Moth   Lymantria dispar   Forested   Western
  Hemlock Woolly Adelgid   Adelges tsugae   Forested   Western
  Japanese Beetle   Popillia japonica   Forested; Non-Forested   
  Oriental Beetle   Exomala orientalis      
  Pine Shoot Beetle   Tomicus piniperda   Forested   
  Red Imported Fire Ant   Solenopsis invicta   Forested; Non-Forested   
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern.


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Feral Hog   Sus scrofa   Forested; Non-Forested   NR
  Nutria   Myocastor coypus   Bay and Ocean   Eastern; Southern
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern.


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Australian Crayfish   Cherax spp.   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Chinese Mitten Crab   Eriocheir sinensis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake; Bay and Ocean   Central; Southern; Eastern
  European Green Crab   Carcinus maenas   Bay and Ocean   Eastern
  Japanese Shore Crab   Hemigrapsus sanguineus   Bay and Ocean   Eastern
  Marbled Crayfish   Procambarus sp.   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Red Swamp Crawfish   Procambarus clarkii   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central; Southern; Eastern
  Rusty Crayfish   Orconectes rusticus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Western; Central
  Southern White River Crawfish   Procambarus zonangulus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central; Southern; Eastern
  Spiny Water Flea   Bythotrephes longimanus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Virile Crayfish   Orconectes virilis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Western; Central; Southern
  Water Flea   Daphnia lumholtzi   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Asiatic clam   Corbicula fluminea   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Statewide
  Chinese Mystery Snail   Cipangopaludina chinensis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Western; Central; Southern
  New Zealand Mud Snail   Potamopyrgus antipodarum   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake; Bay and Ocean   NR
  Quagga Mussel   Dreissena bugensis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Veined Rapa Welk   Rapana venosa   Bay and Ocean   NR
  Zebra Mussel   Dreissena polymorpha   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Asian Swamp Eel   Monoterus albus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Bighead Carp   Hypophthalmichthys nobilis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Black Carp   Mylopharyngodon piceus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Blue Catfish   Ictalurus furcatus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake; Bay and Ocean   Central; Southern; Eastern
  Candiru   Vandellia cirrhosa   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Eurasian River Ruffe   Gymnocephalus cernuus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Flathead Catfish   Pylodictis olivaris   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake; Bay and Ocean   Central; Eastern
  Grass Carp   Ctenopharyngodon idella   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central; Southern, Eastern
  Mimic Shiner   Notropis volucellus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central
  Northern Snakehead   Channa argus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake; Bay and Ocean   Central; Southern; Eastern
  Oriental Weatherfish   Misgurnus anguillicaudatus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Central
  Red Shiner   Cyprinella lutrensis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Round Goby   Neogobius melanostomus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Silver Carp   Hypophthalmichthys molitrix   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Walking Catfish   Clarius batrachus   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern


  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Beech Bark Disease Complex      Forested   
  Chestnut Blight   Cryponectria parasitica   Forested   
  Chytrid Fungus   Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Daylily Rust   Puccinia hemerocallidis   Forested; Non-Forested   
  Plum Pox      Forested   
  Sudden Oak Death   Phytophthora spp.   Forested   
  Thousand Cankers Disease   Geosmithia morbida   Forested   NR
  Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia      Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   NR
  Whirling Disease   Myxobolus cerebralis   Stream, River, Pond, and Lake   Western
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern

Other Invertebrates:

  Common Name   Scientific Name   Habitat   Geographic Region
  Corn Cyst Nematode   Heterodera zeae   Non-Forested   
  Northern Root Knot Nematode   Meloidogyne hapla   Non-Forested   
  Southern Root Knot Nematode   Meloidogyne incognita   Non-Forested   
  Soybean Cyst Nematode   Heterodera glycines   Non-Forested   
  NR: Not Reported in Maryland; Statewide: Western; Central; Southern; Eastern