Youth Fishing Rodeos

Youth fishing rodeos are a great way to introduce a child to fishing. Fishing rodeos are typically held at small ponds or lakes and are aimed at helping beginners successfully catch a fish. See the full schedule of rodeos below and visit our Youth Fishing Rodeos page​ for more information.​

expand County : Allegany ‎(7)
expand County : Anne Arundel ‎(2)
expand County : Baltimore ‎(2)
expand County : Calvert ‎(1)
expand County : Carroll ‎(3)
expand County : Cecil ‎(2)
expand County : Charles ‎(2)
expand County : Frederick ‎(8)
expand County : Garrett ‎(4)
expand County : Harford ‎(4)
expand County : Kent ‎(1)
expand County : Montgomery ‎(3)
expand County : Washington ‎(8)
expand County : Wicomico ‎(1)
expand County : Worcester ‎(3)